Image-Based Methods Develloped In Matlab To Evaluate Breakwater Blocks Movements

Rita Carvalho, Vanessa Ferraz, Jorge Leandro, Rute Lemos, Juana Fortes

Monday 29 june 2015

16:00 - 16:15h at Asia (level 0)

Themes: (T) Water engineering, (ST) River and coastal engineering

Parallel session: 3E. River engineering

Coastal protection structures often need maintenance or repair during lifetime. Maintenance requires breakwater embankment design stability verification usually based on damage progression in physical scale models. Several experimental conditions with different block materials and forms and irregular sea waves should be tested which are dependent on the ability of a trained instrumentalist remaining focus during long periods. In this work, we develop image-based methods using Matlab to identify and characterize breakwater embankment blocks movement induced by a highly irregular sea wave. Different methodologies for movement identification and characterization were tested and compared in experimental conditions using three kinds of blocks forms and we propose a methodology able to identify and characterize the movements that might occur in the blocks of a breakwater embankment prepared in adequate way.