Testing of new design flood estimation techniques across various catchments across Australia

William Weeks, Mark Babister, James Ball, Monique Retallick

Tuesday 30 june 2015

11:30 - 11:45h at South America (level 0)

Themes: (T) Flood risk management and adaptation, (ST) Flood risk assessment

Parallel session: 5J. Floodrisk - Assessment

“Australian Rainfall and Runoff” is Australia’s primary guideline for flood estimation and it is currently under revision. As part of the development of the new edition, existing methods have been carefully reviewed considering international and Australian best practice, recent research and on-going data collection. As part of the revision an extensive testing of the new procedures has been undertaken in a wide range of environments around Australia and they provide a pragmatic, consistent and realistic methodology. The aims of the testing program is to ensure that when all components of the design flood method are combined that a more robust answer results, to find any holes in the methodology prior to final publication of the new ARR, and to educate engineers in the use of the new methods. The testing program has involved over 150 companies, individuals, academic organisations from across Australia. Participants range from specialist flooding firms to those who only occasionally work in this space.