Numerical Analysis Of Obliqness In Wave-Induced Crown Wall Loads.

Pablo Higuera, Javier L. Lara, Inigo J. Losada

Monday 29 june 2015

17:00 - 17:15h at Asia (level 0)

Themes: (T) Water engineering, (ST) River and coastal engineering

Parallel session: 3E. River engineering

Three-dimensional numerical modelling is shaping up as a useful field that can help in the design of coastal structures. It can provide a detailed characterization of the hydrodynamics around the structures, avoiding scale effects and, therefore, reducing the uncertainty and high cost associated to this kind of calculations. In this paper IHFOAM numerical model is applied to simulate the interaction of a sea state with a real structure, the Port of Laredo (Spain) rubble mound breakwater. The exterior breakwater of this port is curved, enabling the analysis of multiple wave incidence angles under the same conditions all at once. A novel methodology that comprises advanced statistical tools and different numerical models (2DH, 2DV and 3D) is applied to select the conditions of the three-dimensional simulation. This formulation helps in selecting the most critical wave group that reaches the structure within a design sea state. It effectively reduces the computational resources and time needed to obtain 3D results while still providing meaningful and very detailed results. The 3D simulation, shown in Figure 1, is performed at prototype scale and with the real geometry and bathymetry. Wave overtopping and pressures acting on the crown wall are studied at several locations along the structure. Three-dimensional distributions of the stability variables are also computed. No overtopping is detected due to the recurved wall deflecting the splash. The safety coefficients, presented in Figure 2, are in accordance with the standards. The safety coefficient against sliding shows an increase with the growing incidence angle. The overturning safety coefficient presents a different trend, because of the geometrical variation of the crown wall section. A detailed analysis will be presented in the full paper. The results prove that the model is a valuable tool to assess three-dimensional effects and indicate the correct operation of the breakwater.