Composite modeling of hydraulic structures.

Steven L. Barfuss, Bryan Heiner

Thursday 2 july 2015

14:50 - 15:05h at Oceania (level 0)

Themes: (T) Water engineering, (ST) Computational methods

Parallel session: 12E. Engineering - Computational

Although physical modeling has been the proven standard for modeling hydraulic structures for decades, it comes with limitations and constraints. Similarly, numerical modeling also carries with it a number of limitations and constraints as well as benefits not found in physical modeling. However, when the two modeling techniques are used together during a hydraulic study, many of the limitations of one technique can be complemented by the other and vice versa. Accordingly, when researchers understand the benefits and limitations of each modeling technique, they can develop a research plan that utilizes composite modeling approaches where both modeling techniques are used together to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the modeling process. Currently, the trend in hydraulic modeling is to utilize the benefits of both for design. This paper describes the specific benefits of composite modeling using several case studies as examples, and describes how the use of both methods can result in a better product more quickly.