Analysis of processes affecting the thermal pollution spreading in rivers

Monika Barbara Kalinowska, Magdalena Maria Mrokowska, Paweł Mariusz Rowiński

Wednesday 1 july 2015

9:00 - 9:15h at Asia (level 0)

Themes: (T) Hydro-environment, (ST) Impacts of pollutants on the water environment

Parallel session: 8G. Environment - Impact

While solving practical problems concerning thermal pollution spreading in rivers, many questions about the importance of the processes affecting the mixing arise. Which additional sources associated with the heat exchange with the environment are significant? Is their omission admissible or inadmissible and under which conditions? Next, the question related to the difficulty of estimating certain terms - especially in practical cases with limited data available - whether the inclusion of poorly estimated term will not result in bigger error than its omission. Finally, the importance of temporal and spatial scale of the analysed case, and hence which processes will be important when 1D models (far-filed zone) and 2D models (mid-field zone) are used? Those problems of thermal pollution spreading modelling will be addressed in the paper.