Numerical Simulation for Fluid Flow Interaction Between Solids and Fluids

Chamika De Costa

Thursday 2 july 2015

15:05 - 15:20h at Oceania (level 0)

Themes: (T) Water engineering, (ST) Computational methods

Parallel session: 12E. Engineering - Computational

This paper introduces a numerical simulation method to describe fluid flow interaction with a solid objects. The model is derived from Navier-stokes equations of momentum. The scheme uses 5th order TVD, compiled with Fortran compiler and parallelized using OpenMP. The results are compared with previous experimental results. The model will specifically designed to show the velocity profile after hitting the obstacle. The effect on accuracy of the result in regards to mesh size will also be discussed. Furthermore it will discuss the distribution of other particles within the flow as well as how these particles will concentrate after interacting with the object. The paper will then continue to predict how different flow rates can affect the distribution of such particles.

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