New operational services for water related issues the SWITCH-ON approach.

Paolo Mazzoli, Stefano Bagli, Valerio Luzzi, Davide Broccoli, Francesca Piccinini

Friday 3 july 2015

12:33 - 12:36h at Central America (level 0)

Themes: (T) Water resources and hydro informatics (WRHI), (ST) Management support systems and serious gaming, Poster pitches

Parallel session: Poster pitches: 15H.WRHI - SeriousGaming

Recently, a collaborative project started called SWITCH-ON (EU FP7 project No 603587) coordinated by SMHI ( as part of the contemporary European movement imposed by the INSPIRE directive and the Open Data Strategy. Among It’s R&D activities GECOsistema develops and expands inside SWITCH-ON a set of tools to tackle major water related issues, from reservoir management and irrigation supply, to hydrological change adaptation and hydropower potential mapping. Here we present on-going developments of APRIL, HyCAW and High-resolution European HydroPower Atlas. APRIL consists in a tool to provide seasonal run-off forecasts, taking advantage of open datasets or low-cost data and performing prediction through calibrated machine learning algorithms. HyCAW is a tool that supports the assessment of adaptation options to cope with a change in the temporal distribution of water availability as well as in the total quantity. EU HPA is supposed to provide all relevant information necessary to appraise the feasibility of a micro-hydropower plant at a specific site, taking into account hydrological as well as technical and economic factors. All the tools share a common vision of the project to address water concerns and currently untapped potential of open data for improved water management across the EU. Users will be guided through a common styled Web GIS interface, created through open source Web Mapping Application using Open-Layer and Map Server, exploring available hydrological information in the area of interest, plotting available data, performing analysis, and getting report and statistics.