Proposal: economic value of lakes and Wetlands Andeans for your conservation.

Hector Jesus Peñaloza Pari, Hector Jesus Peñaloza Pari

Friday 3 july 2015

12:33 - 12:36h at Oceania (level 0)

Themes: (T) Managing deltas, (ST) Wetland protection and shore restoration, Poster pitches

Parallel session: Poster pitches: 15K. Deltas - Wetland

This research was conducted between 3500-2000 meters above sea level in the province of Sandia Puno region, located south of Peru, which aimed to estimate the economic value of ponds and wetlands for conservation and intervention by formulating an integrated development project within the Microcuenca. We worked with a total of 111 surveys, estimated by probabilistic model Logit the number of days to cooperate (9 days) by the families in the area concerned for the conservation and protection of lakes and wetlands, the minimum value of wetlands and lakes was estimated approximately $ 477,321.4 US dollars, the value used in the formulation of future projects. Finally the evaluation of the cost-screened, caring for and protecting the lakes and wetlands in the upper parts of the basin (through technical assistance for the treatment of upper watersheds) flood flow of the river will be reduced downstream, reducing the level flood risk Sandia City.