Hybrid energy generation system for small islands supply.

Valeria Puleo, Chiara M. Fontanazza, Vincenza Notaro, Gabriele Freni

Friday 3 july 2015

12:39 - 12:42h at Europe 1 (level 0)

Themes: (T) Hydro-environment, (ST) Renewable energy resources, Poster pitches

Parallel session: Poster pitches: 15G. Environment - Renewable & Wetland

The growing attention to the environmental conservation leads to clean and cheap energy generation, in this context renewable energy sources represent undoubtedly an alternative to the conventional energy generation. Unfortunately, the penetration of renewable energy sources into electricity grids is prevented due to their uncertain availability and the mismatch between demand and supply peaks. For this reason, the energy storage technology are attracting interest in research. In the present study, a hybrid system configurations, obtained by coupling solar energy production with pump-hydro energy storage technology, are investigated with regard to Ustica island (Italy). The technical analysis has shown that in the current supply scheme, which potable water is provided by desalination process, the hybrid energy generation system cannot be easily integrated due to land constraints. A technical solution is provided in order to accomplish the integration of hybrid energy system according to constraints.