Study on water temperature superposed impact of cooling water diffusion in the semi enclosed bay

Zhao Hongbo

Thursday 2 july 2015

17:54 - 17:57h at Asia (level 0)

Themes: (T) Hydro-environment, (ST) Impacts of pollutants on the water environment, Poster pitches

Parallel session: Poster pitches: 13G. Environment - Impact

Cooling water from some plant raises the water temperature. It disrupts the water environment balance, and affects the cooling efficiency of the plant. Therefore, it is important to learn the water environment temperature and predict temperature rise design outfall for feasibility of project. In the project sea area, there are some outfalls existed, so it is possible that the water temperature will be higher than the design value of the project and influence water environment further by the superposed impact of cooling water. In this paper, based on site survey data, the feasibility study are carried out by mathematic model simulation. The result shows that the byland make the water of two parts in the bay exchange rarely. The water temperature of CTA intake is below design temperature, and the water temperature of cooling water of CTA mainly influences about 1 km area that no serious influence to other intakes.