Technical tours

Wednesday 1 july 2015

13:30 - 17:45h

The congress will include very interesting half-day technical excursions to nearby locations:

Flood Proof Holland
Sponsored by VP Delta

The excursion will take you by bus to Flood Proof Holland, the unique test and demonstration facility for innovative temporary flood defenses and flood prevention measures in Delft. You will be able to see some of the latest innovations during a real life flood simulation. At Flood Proof Holland, Dutch entrepreneurs are cooperating together with public parties, staff and students of knowledge institutes (Delft University of Technology, etc) to find innovative and practical solutions that offer protection against the rising water. The facility is also used for testing and demonstration of other water management related innovations as well. Over the last year, many national and international delegations and film crews (for example BBC and Discovery Channel) have visited the site. 

The impressive Maeslant Storm Surge Barrier
The excursion starts at 13.30pm, after we leave the World Forum. Lunch packages will be provided in the bus during the trip to the location. The Keringhuis is the Public Water Management Information Centre about flood risk management in the Province of Zuid-Holland and the impressive Maeslant Storm Surge Barrier. The Keringhuis shows how we still manage to keep our feet dry in the water-rich Province of Zuid-Holland. During the tour, a professional guide will tell you everything you want to know about flood risk management in the Netherlands, from the 1953 flood disaster to the Delta works and the latest developments. Outside, Beside the imposing Maeslant storm surge barrier, you will discover exactly how this barrier works. 

After the visit to the Maeslantkering the excursion continues to the ‘Showcase Waterbuffer’. The availability of high quality and sufficient amounts of fresh water is of high importance to agri- and horticultural area. In the densely build areas is lack of space to construct large surface water basins for rainwater harvesting. Instead the potential of subsoil storage is upcoming.

At this pilot facility at Prominent’s tomato greenhouse several techniques for small scale underground fresh water storage under various geographic conditions (like Aquifer Storage and Recovery) are demonstrated. A small tour around the Waterbuffer pilot facility is included. We finish this amazing afternoon excursion with a drink.

The Port of Rotterdam
The excursion starts at 13.30pm, after we leave the World Forum. Lunch packages will be provided in the bus during the trip to the location. The Information Center Mainport Rotterdam organizes an unique bus excursion with visits to the ECT Delta Terminal in the port and industrial area and view points. The Europe Container Terminals (ECT) is the leading and most advanced container terminal operator in Europe; it handles a vast majority of all the containers passing through the port of Rotterdam. Everything is aimed at an optimum service and performance. Very popular in this trip is Maasvlakte 2 and the Future Land Information Centre. The port is 45 kilometers long! We finish this wonderful afternoon excursion with a drink.
The technical excursions can be booked through the registration form on this website (click here).
Maeslant Storm Surge Barrier
Maeslant Storm Surge Barrier
Maeslant Storm Surge Barrier
Port of Rotterdam
Port of Rotterdam
Port of Rotterdam