Baw-Lnhe - a (Hydro)Dynamic Friendship of 20 Years

R. Kopmann

Wednesday 1 july 2015

11:00 - 11:20h at Europe 1 & 2 (level 0)

Themes: (T) Special session

Parallel session: 9E. Special Session: Jean Michel Hervouet

BAW (Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau / Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Insti-tute) is the technical and scientific federal authority of the Federal Ministry of Transport of Germany (BMVI). In several projects of BAW numerical models are applied to ensure that waterways in Germany meet ever tougher technical, economic and ecological demands. In 1994 BAW started with the numerical modelling system TELEMAC developed by LNHE/EDF (Laboratoire National d'Hydraulique et Environnement / Electricité de France). This contact was strengthened by a co-operation contract in 2001. In 2010 the TELEMAC software became open source and BAW a member of the TELEMAC-MASCARET consorti-um, which manages the maintenance and development of the TELEMAC software. In these more than 20 years a (hydro)dynamic friendship has connected the two institutions BAW and LNHE. Several developments, students and post-docs exchanges, uncountable emails and visits were the fruitful result of these years of co-operation. Exemplarily some contributions of BAW and their German partners towards the TELEMAC software should be mentioned: The further adaption of the MPI parallelization to operational mode. In 1999 BAW bought its own parallel cluster and since then used extensively. UniBW Munich (University of Federal Armed Forces) developed a dredging tool on behalf of BAW, as sediment manage-ment including dredging, disposal and artificial bed load supply today is one big topic in Ger-man waterways. STCE, RWTH Aachen (Software and Tools for Computational Engineering, University of Aachen) developed an algorithmic differentiated code of the hydrodynamic and morphodynamic modules Telemac2d and Sisyphe. With this special version reliability analysis and optimization tasks like automatic calibration can be done very efficiently. Collaboration in the TELEMAC-MASCARET consortium and many productive co-operations with universities and engineering companies guarantee continuous progress and new devel-opments to face the diverse and complex hydrodynamic tasks of the next 20 years.