Msc Fortunato Carvajal Monar

Royal HaskoningDHV
Senior Coastal and River Engineer

Fortunato Carvajal Monar has more than 30 years of experience in water resources management, design of hydraulic structures, coastal & river engineering, flood control, erosion control and river training works including procurement and supervision. He received his Msc degree at the International Institute for Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering in Delft, The Netherlands in 1977.

During his career, Fortunato has been working as team leader on a number of large-scale river and coastal engineering projects around the world. Examples are the Multipurpose Jamuna Bridge in Bangladesh, the Padma Bridge Phase-1 study, the integrated Meghna River studies, the marine logistic base in the Gulf of Thailand, the integrated flood and bank protection along the Mekong River and the project improvement of inland water navigation in the Chao Phraya River in Thailand.

Currently, he is project director of the Canal del Dique System Restoration, Colombia. The focus of this 22 million Euro project is to prepare designs for the restoration of the old channel and dikes, new navigation locks and marsh improvements along the Canal del Dique connecting Cartagena Bay to the Magdalena River at the city of Calamar in northern Colombia.