Study of near-shore wave transformation in lavar coastal area, north of persian gulf

Nima Serpoushan, Arash Ashoor, Seyed Mohammad Hosseiny Bandarabady, Seyed Abbas Mortazavipour

Wednesday 1 july 2015

12:15 - 12:30h at Amazon (level 1)

Themes: (T) Water engineering, (ST) River and coastal engineering

Parallel session: 9C. Coastal engineering

The main goal of the current study is to assess the near-shore wave at Lavar coastal areas located in the North of Persian Gulf, based on the collected data at the site for the period of one year. This coastal area features a very mild seabed slope and nearly parallel contours near the shoreline. Since some major gas field developments are planned to be located in this region, having good knowledge of near-shore physical processes is of utmost importance in the design phase. The one-year continuous measured wave data were used in the model calibration and validation processes. To investigate the evolution of waves traveling toward the shore, the wave data collected by ADCPs deployed in 3.5 m and 30 m water depth were investigated. The storms recorded during the measurement period were analyzed. The time-series of wave height, period and directions and also wave spectra recorded at these stations were compared. A third generation wave model was employed to implement the wave transformation for the candidate storms. The results of the wave model were compared with the collected data to investigate the ability of the model in resolving shallow water processes.